Dr. Stephen A. Stepaniuk: A Public Servant and Advocate for the Disabled

Honoring the legacy of a dedicated public servant.

Inspiring Change, One Step at a Time

About Dr. Stephen A. Stepaniuk: Championing Rights and Inclusion for the Disabled Community

Dr. Stephen A. Stepaniuk was a dedicated public servant who made significant contributions to the well-being of Californians. His innovative approach to using technology, specifically the JetFile system, streamlined the workers’ compensation claims process, ensuring timely benefits for injured workers.

The Power of One: The Story of Dr. Stepaniuk

Key Accomplishments:

A Technological Pioneer

Revolutionized the workers’ compensation system through technological advancements.

A Champion of the Disabled

Mobilized mass movements to advocate for the rights of the disabled.

A Catalyst for Change

Inspired countless individuals to become agents of change.

Celebrating the Life and Work of Dr. Stephen A. Stepaniuk

Highlighting Our Success Stories

Starting back in 1998, Safety Works Medical Inc., provided its first Functional Capacity Evaluation utilizing computer assisted measuring devices in the California Workers’ Compensation system. As technology improved, so did our understanding of the application of the Functional Capacity Evaluation. In 2008 we published The Physicians’ Guide to Functional Capacity Evaluation, is partnership with the U.S. Federation of Chiropractic Licensing Boards and Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College. The Safety Works Medical Inc. Functional Capacity Evaluation Guidelines are taught in 24 States and 4 countries, and are currently accepted as the Gold Standard.

This textbook was approved by the California State Bar Association and DWC Medical Unit to teach attorneys, physicians and qualified medical evaluators.

Physicians’ Guide to Functional Capacity Evaluations : Dr. Stephen A. Stepaniuk, BSc, DC, QME: Amazon.es: Libros

Dr. Stephen A. Stepaniuk findings and work was used by the United States Department of Labor Employees’ Compensation Appeals Board to make disability claim decisions. 

United States Department of Labor Employees’ Compensation Appeals Board 

G.S., Appellant and U.S. POSTAL SERVICE, POST OFFICE, Santa Ana, CA, Employer 

 Docket No. 13-1649 Issued: December 24, 2013 Appearances: Case Submitted on the Record Alan J. Shapiro, Esq., for the appellant Office of Solicitor, for the Director DECISION AND ORDER Before: PATRICIA HOWARD FITZGERALD, Judge MICHAEL E. GROOM, Alternate Judge JAMES A. HAYNES, Alternate Judge 

Dr. Stepaniuk work was used in over 10,000 claims in California Workers’ Compensation rulings.:

Discover tales of novel business ideas that found their financial footing with our strategic insights.

In Honor of Dr. Stephen A. Stepaniuk: A Tribute from the State of California


Learn more about the impact of Dr. Stepaniuk’s work on California’s workers’ compensation system.