Travel is an important part of any female entrepreneur’s life. Thousands of female entrepreneurs love visiting exotic locations and experiencing food and cultures that they do not experience at home. But travel sometimes seems impossible for a person building their own business. It feels like too much of an investment and too much time taken off of work. Planning and forethought are critical to making the travel experience for female entrepreneurs as painless as possible. 

Plan your travel

One of the most difficult aspects of travel as a female entrepreneur is the need to get away from work. Building a new business takes time and energy. Some female entrepreneurs put in 60 to 80 hour weeks throughout the lifespan of a business. It may seem unfathomable to then take several days or even a week and not work at all while on vacation. Chrissy Weems knows that female entrepreneurs have to overcome that urge to simply work until they are burnt out or no longer productive. 

One of the best ways to do this is by explicitly planning travel. Female entrepreneurs should pick a particular week to go on a large or small trip. They should orient their company and coworkers to pick up the slack when they are gone. They should also attempt to keep that date if at all possible. Keeping a travel date can help create expectations for the employees at a company and keep them on track. 

Have a wide range of options

Female entrepreneurs need a wide variety of options when they are considering travel. Some individuals believe that travel has to be a drawn-out process. They must book hotel rooms, buy plane tickets, and take a week off of work. There has to be opportunities for those sorts of trips for a female entrepreneur. But in some instances, an individual may only have the time and money for a much shorter trip. They should understand the flexibility inherent in travel. 

There is a chance that some individuals could plan a car ride or a cheap hotel nearby. Almost every state has at least one brewery or winery that an individual could visit on a short vacation. Chrissy Weems argues that most important aspect of having many options for female entrepreneurs is that unforeseen circumstances should only circumscribe and not completely eliminate the possibility of a vacation. 

Turn off devices

Many female entrepreneurs feel as though they always have to be at work. They do not receive as much rest and relaxation during their vacations as a result. Female entrepreneurs need to set up structures that allow other individuals in a company to take over its operations on a short-time basis. The female entrepreneur would then be able to take off and turn off their devices. They can devote themselves to resting on the beach or exploring a vineyard. Female entrepreneurs can rest and then return re-energized when they come back from their vacations. 


Female entrepreneurs are often too burnt-out to think about vacations and travel. Travel takes time, planning, and a stint away from work. Female entrepreneurs need to remain open with their travel ideas, plan them carefully, and turn them into device-free vacations. By taking this early forethought, female entrepreneurs can ensure that their travel time is as joyful and productive as possible.